Friday, January 15, 2010

William's Hospital Admission

December 4th
Around dinner time, William was admitted to Upstate's Galisano Children's Hospital for suspected food allergies. He took his classic cat nap on the way there.

first hospital band

A very concerned Grammy came with us. Good thing, since it took all three adults to figure out how to follow the directions at the admission counter (how were we supposed to know we needed to talk on the special phone - lol!)

The new units at the children's hospital just opened in September.

Our first room - 12th floor General Pediatrics, Room 10

Each room is private for one patient only and has a pull-out bed for parents to stay. We had a gorgeous view of Syracuse, a very comfortable rocking chair and our own bathroom.

It was very odd to all the sudden have William recognized as being sick enough to need to be admitted to the hospital. Our first night, he was very content, playful and a big flirt with the nurses.
We had to repeat our long-winded detailed story of William's odd reactions to foods/medications, Mommy's strict nursing diet avoiding milk, egg, soy and gluten, the varying swelling of his face and around his eyes, his terribly odorific poop explosions multiple times a day, his worsening irritability and his lack of sleep to a small entourage of residents. Our Doogie Howser then told us, "okay, I'm going to go call Dr. Remillard and see what he wants us to do." Needless to say, we were rather confused, since we thought Dr. Remillard (pediatrician) sent us to the hospital because he did not know what else he could do for us.

The team of residents decided to order a bunch of labs, for which William had to fast for at least 6 hours for. We all took turns trying to keep him happy, since he is used to snuggling and nursing all evening until he finally falls asleep.

Time in the hospital's travel swing helped to pass some fasting time.


finally, labs were drawn

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