Sunday, September 30, 2007

Saturday, September 29, 2007

We Love Our PAPA!

Today we took special time to remember all the wonderful times with Papa. This is one of my favorite picture of Nicholas and Papa - Nicholas is really listening to everything Papa is telling him about the world (or maybe Papa was telling him how happy he is that they share their first name).
Papa was so happy this day to spend time with his 2 grand-daughters and 2 great grandsons.

Although it was a rather sad day, we were able to spend time with our family's latest addition - Baby Dominic! He's already a month old! We had a family dinner at Grandma's house. This is just another one of Grandma's "toys" - she insists she doesn't need toys for the grand babies- just household and kitchen items. Nicholas was a really good sport about the dollie - and kept it on his head a lot longer than he tolerated his Halloween head-piece!

Nicholas loved cruising with the Radio Flyer wagon. He's off and running!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Walker Time

When Mommy has been working on Papa's slideshow, Nicholas has been keeping busy with his walker. I know this is poor footage, but his face is just too cute - h's so proud of himself!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Lounging with a Snack

Nicholas enjoyed a snack with Mommy after getting home from the sitter
- oh its good to be home!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Is this what I'm supposed to do with my tongue?

...Nicholas tries really hard to ask for more macaroni!

(sorry for the poor video)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Laughs & Slaps at Dinner

Our Little Pumpkin Went Pumpkin Picking

After a busy day of cruising around (and refusing to nap), Nicholas fell asleep on the way to the pumpkin patch.
Look at his first bruise - on his forehead.
The half mile of driving through the very bumpy field did not stir him, but the sound of the camera sure woke our little guy. He really didn't know what to think when we got him out of the car and into the field.
"Mommy, this thing seems awful messy - do we really want it?"
"Oh but the stems feel pretty neat! I'll take 'em!"

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Staying Happy & Busy

"It was the perfect day to spend otuside!
I kept myself busy climbing all over my playset when Mommy weeded..."
"...spilled Daddy's beer at Octoberfest - and then got to play in it (since I did spill it in my stroller tray)..."
"...and figured out that the kitchen table has the perfect clearance for me to stand under!"

Friday, September 21, 2007

Distracted At Dinner Time

"Tonight, Daddy started cutting the grass when I was trying to eat. With all the commotion going on, I wanted nothing to do with eating and just had to check out the action!"
"Hmmmm, I need a higher view!"
"Wow, look at him go!
This view is better, but ..."
"...ah ha, now this is the vantage point to have!"
"Okay, so the back yard takes longer to mow than I was expecting.
At least Mommy provided refreshments for my viewing pleasure."

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Thanks Anne!

"Mommy's friend Anne went to Disney World and brought me back this great shirt! It was the perfect thing for me to wear today..."
"...because it gave Mommy something to look at from the front...."
"...and the back!
I'm outta here!!!"

Off To See the Animals

"It was such a nice day for the zoo! Olivia came too!"
"The animals were just cracking me up - especially the elephants, ponies and penguins with all their silly antics."
"Olivia, what do you think about this pretty pony?"
"Ummm, yeah - I think its too stinky in here for me! I was expecting the zoo, not a barn! Let's get out of here!"

Monday, September 17, 2007

It Only Took Time

Long Sleeve Weather Only Means Better Tricks To Pull Out of My Sleeve!

"I'm keeping Mommy on her toes lately. Now not only am I pulling myself to stand on things, but I'm also going from standing to a crawling dash. Watch out - here I come!"

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Rigatoni, Parmesan & Apple Wheels?

Today we exposed Nicholas to his 1/4 Italian side with going to Italiana Fest. Nicholas wasn't interested in trying a new food though.
"Go ahead and eat your chicken riggies - I'll stick to my apple wheel!"
"This song has a good beat, but I have NO idea what he's saying!"

Mr. Showoff

Grandma & Grandpa came over this morning to check out Nicolas' crawling. He took a little break and chilled in his highchair with some blueberry banana bread.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Ayden!

Ayden turned the big 1! He was so proud of himself for walking over to us to greet us at his party. Go Ayden!!!
"I just loved his scooter cart! I could go back & forth all by myself."
"Then I got a ride in Ayden's buggy - that was the best!!!"
"Beep Beep - watch out guys!"
Happy Birthday Ayden!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Practicing Getting Into Trouble

Now that Nicholas is getting around under his own power, he seems to be signaling when he is hungry. I like this attempt of grabbing the vitamins from under his high chair - as if he even likes the darn things!
This afternoon we enjoyed a Mom's group get together at Avery's. Nicholas wanted nothing to do with Avery's ball pit, but was very interested in her ball popper.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

He Figured It Out (finally)

After weeks (and I really mean weeks) of crawling backwards, getting stuck in every nook & cranny, and the most unfortunate - not being able to see where you are going....Nicholas has finally figured out the crawling forward deal! He must have been dreaming of this since his speed dramatically increased after his afternoon nap.

Here he is escaping after knocking down the metal Zoey sculpture - guilty face and all!
We went outside to harvest the garden's latest tomato and pepper supply. Nicholas wasn't too sure about crawling in the grass at first, so Zoey showed him how to roll around in it.

Then he was off to raid the garden.
"I like this crawling thing!"

(video to come soon - I was using the camcorder today)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A New Trick

Oh, the many skills the remote can teach!

"This is so cool!"

Sunday In Jammies All Day!

With a day full of dark skies and rain - we decided to hang out in our jammies all day!
"Look Mommy, I made it all the way to the kitchen...with my key too!"

Friday, September 7, 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

Today for Daddy's Big Day we all spent the day together - going on a walk in the morning and some shopping in the afternoon. Nicholas heard we were grilling steaks for dinner and insisted on staying up until 8:30 tonight. At least he enjoyed the green beans!

At BJ's, Nicholas and Daddy fell in love with this life-like toy horse. Mommy had to be the one to put her foot down and say no. Check out Nicholas' response to the horse neighing.

Oh Grandma and Grandpa - we have a problem!

We were so impressed last night when we came home from the show to a sleeping baby (and 2 sleeping grandparents)...but not so impressed when Nicholas was looking like this at 3am!
Grandpa insists the PJ's were put on correctly in the first place - do we have the next Houdini on our hands?
(We still greatly appreciate the babysitting Grandma & Grandpa!)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A Day of R & R

After such a stressful day yesterday, we needed a little Nicholas got to snack through Mommy's pedicure. He was a really good boy - but often had this look of puzzlement.
"Hey Mommy, what is she saying and what is she doing to your toes!!!"

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A Big Day for the Latest 10-Month Old!

Today was Mommy's first day back to work AND Nicholas' first day at his babysitter's house, Miss Judy. Mommy came back to a glowing report...Nicholas ate all his lunch, played, pooped, and even took an hour nap! He was so excited to see Mommy come to pick him up, but was even more excited when he got home and saw his favorite toy of all - the remote control!

Monday, September 3, 2007

No Labor Happening On This Labor Day!

"With Daddy on his boy's motorcycle weekend to VA, Mommy and I had fun with a visit from Dillon, Aunt Angela and Uncle Jim. On Saturday, we had a great day at camp, even though I was always getting myself stuck under the rocker."
"Dillon enjoyed waving bye-bye to the sun."
"On Sunday, we went to the Parkway. Dillon loved the giant slide with Grandpa."
"Dillon - you are not a bike, you silly boy!!!"
"Back home, Dillon thought my dinosaur was a lounge chair."

"I'm so tired, but I have to stay awake!!!"
"Finally, nap time with Grandpa."