Thursday, March 26, 2009

Baby B is One BIG Boy!

Today we got a peek at Baby B's never-ending activity....and Mommy nearly croaked when she found out just how big of a boy he is! Weighing in at 4 pounds 11 ounces - he's close or above the 90th percentile with all measurements (yikes!).
The sono tech and Dr. Bartol commented on what a busy boy he is. He's nice and comfy in a head-down position with his feet cramped under Mommy's left rib. Daddy thinks he's going to look like Mommy from the glimpses of his eyes and their shape. Mommy is still in shock over the minor size concern, since he's expected to gain 1/2+ pounds a week from here on out. Yeah, 8 more weeks to go and already close to 5 pounds - maybe we'll need to have a newborn "bringing baby home" outfit and an option in a 3-month size!


Amy said...

Oh no! I get you Katie's one size fits all gown! ;)

Marian said...

What a perfect sonogram picture!!! I hope Baby B doesn't get AS big as you're thinking he will!! ;)