Sunday, April 6, 2008

All Boy!

What a gorgeous day! We had a great walk at the Parkway and then played on the very-crowded gym. Let's just say we were able to get a jump on learning turn-taking skills with many authentic encounters this afternoon. The little squirt kept trying to escape over to the "big kids gym" - I guess there just wasn't enough excitement at the toddler world for him today.
Nicholas waved hi to Daddy while pushing a stroller he found. He just LOVES strollers and dolls!
Oh, you ask, where was Daddy...he was stuck on the bench because he had his roller blades on. (Note to self, bring his footware next time so we can take turns chasing the little man - exhausting is an understatement!).

"I'll pass on the tunnel..."

"...but am all for the slide!"

He just couldn't stop giggling in excitement for the slide today.

1 comment:

Amy said...

You are SO BRAVE taking him to the Wegmans Playground on a Sunday!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture of him with the stroller...hmmm he will make a good big brother someday!