Sunday, November 23, 2008

Snow Expedition

Nicholas has been so excited every morning to see all the snow. He always has to check his playset and screeches when he sees snow on the slide. He says, "yellow slide all white" and laughs hysterically. He also seems to worry about Daddy's Big Truck having snow on it - so we put him to work today!

I think we found his first official outdoor chore (even though Mommy was rooting for shoveling or dogie poopie duty).

He worked very diligently, as you can imagine.

He even figured out he was more efficient using his hand instead of the brush...

...that is, until the breeze blew all that snow he just cleared straight into his face! He was so frustrated when he'd use his snowy mitten to wipe his face.
Hey, if you need a bumper cleared off nicely, you know who to call (and as for the rest of the car, you're going to have to wait for a few more feet of vertical advantage).

1 comment:

FastFreddy said...

Nicholas has learned from his old man that 'doodie duty' STINKS! He'll surely avoid that like the plague!