Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Checking on Baby

Nicholas went to our last ob appointment for baby B today! He has been really interested in the sections of his "preparing for baby" books that show Mommy going to the doctors (and Mommy has been feeling guilty for not including him more in the appointments). Daddy met us there for the special occasion (and for toddler control).

Daddy and Nicholas read Waiting for Baby as we waited for the doctor. I'll never forget Nicholas' reaction to hearing the baby's heartbeat. He held his hand up to his ear and assumed his serious face all while this huge beam of interest came over his face. It was priceless!

As we were making our grand exit, Nicholas was very interested in meeting all three doctors that have been caring so wonderfully for Mommy and baby. He said "hi doctor" and "thank you" to each.

1 comment:

Marian said...

Your blog posts bring back so many memories for me! I can't wait to hear of Baby B's arrival! Many hugs coming your way!! (and do let me know if there is anything that I can do for you or your family, Kristie!)