Friday, January 16, 2009

Date Night

Daddy's night class this semester is now on Thursdays. This week, Nicholas begged to go to the mall (he said he wanted to "walk fast and sit in the helicopter"), so as a good datee, I offered to drive us there. As a typical man, he wanted to cruise the mall at his own speed, refused to go in my requested stores (but he did take us into Fye where he tantrumed over a Cheetah Girls CD) and booked it to the food court for a heli ride. I'm most happy he's still content with climbing in and out of these over-priced rides. I hope he'll never realize they do things when you give them money!

He was a cheap date - just needed a shake for dinner!
Too bad our date was ended prematurely by a poopie explosion at 6pm!

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