Sunday, July 15, 2007

I Get To Be A Little Cranky - LOOK What's Going On!

"I just wasn't myself today at cousin Max's Baptism- not interested in eating, pretty grumpy and very clingy (okay, so I'm ALWAYS clingy). Can you believe it took Mommy and Daddy until dinner time to notice my teethers coming in!"
Any bets when we'll see the pearly whites???


Ava, Gabriella and Maya said...

congratulations Nicholas...They will be up in no time...

Gavin and Jake said...

Way to go Nicholas! Glad I found your page! You are such an adorable little boy!

Brandi Ronneburger said...

Wow Nicholas!! Is the worst of it over yet? I'm curious because Olivia is in the exact boat as you, one tooth has partially popped through and boy is it sharp!

Cyndi Farrare said...