Monday, December 20, 2010

My syringe helper

Let's face it....syringes are everywhere in our house.  We have saline syringes coming out our ears, heparin-filled ones, ethanol syringes, sterile, empty ones, huge Toomey syringes....and a small stock pile of Target prescription syringes.  For months, Nicholas has been my side-kick syringe fetcher.  Even as far back as last spring, I could send him to our stash in William's room and get me 2 salines and a heparin.  Sure enough, he knew exactly what I was talking about.

Lately, Nicholas has taken a big interest in the numbers on the sides and what they mean.  Now, he even pre-fills William's penicillin syringes for me.  He is such a good helper.  There are times I don't know what I'd do without him!

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