Saturday, September 11, 2010

Oral-Motor Success!

Despite not eating anything orally, William joins us at the table for all mealtimes.  Within the last few weeks, he has shown a dramatic interest in playing with food and sometimes even bringing things to his mouth.
He liked mac & cheese a lot!
He always insists on having a utensil in his hand and usually squawks until I hand over my bowl or plate.
Do I even see a cheesy finger in his mouth.....yup!

Grammy has been doing her own oral-motor research and brought William a stash of cheese doodles.  Sure enough, he liked them.....
a whole lot!
You may be wondering why Nicholas is in William's highchair.  Let's just say he insisted...he's always up to something!
Love that cheesy moustache!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah William! This brought tears to my eyes! Wow, what a huge leap forward! Love the cheesey cheese face!! Praying for lots more of these successes!