Thursday, October 22, 2009

William turns 5-Months

Another month of big adventures, new skills, great news and one huge backslide for William this month. He's growing like a champ and is officially 19 pounds 13 ounces. He's flying through clothing sizes, especially given his length and two chubby thighs! Now even some of his 6-12 month clothing is getting snug (seriously!). He's in 12-month pajamas and a few 12-18 month clothes.

We got wonderful news from the cardiologist that after reviewing all his tests, William's heart is felt to be fine. His pediatrician will monitor him and consult the cardiology group as necessary in the future. We couldn't have asked for better news!

We're wondering if there's a tooth in our near future. William has officially reached the 'stuffing everything in his mouth' stage and often sucks on his lower lip. He's got drool going like crazy!

William is able to sit up independently for a couple minutes at a time, especially when he is engaged in playing with a toy in front of him. He is constantly on a mission to reach and grab at anything nearby, whether he's sitting on your lap going after your food or in the front carrier grabbing things even before you can get to them. He admires his hands with great intrigue, is rolling from his belly to his back and is ever-so vocal with babbling, making sucking noises and belly laughs.

I can already see William's pure admiration for Nicholas. He watches him and just takes in all his antics. I've even caught him laughing appropriately at things Nicholas does. Those are the moments that I say to myself, "this is just the with two boys!"

Will just loves tubby time, especially when his brother is in there with him. He splashes like a maniac and loves to get his foot in his mouth to suck on some toes. Its really cute. William pees every night in the bath - like clockwork. Nicholas starts laughing (calling it a fountain) and then William laughs back - ...yes, another moments I remind myself, this is just the beginning!

Just after his Baptism, we made the big move to his crib. The first night, William slept from 7:40pm to 6am! I thought Daddy's snoring must have been disturbing him all this time and we were finally going to get some good sleep around here. I could not have been more wrong! The next night, William flat out refused to sleep! He was awake nearly all night and generally very cranky. This really started a downward spiral to terrible nights of constant waking and screaming as if he's in pain. Presently, we are exploring the possibility of a milk protein allergy (so Mommy has omitted dairy from her diet for the past week) and will try an acid reducer to see if that improves life in a horizontal plane. We've got one sleep deprived Momma here!

1 comment:

FastFreddy said...

This is so nice hon...