Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Cardio Appointment

September 23, 2009
Due to our family history of heart defects, I was seen by the Pediatric Cardiology group at 24 weeks pregnant for an in-depth Level I ultrasound of William's developing heart. At that time, we received positive news that everything appeared fine, but as standard practice, they recommended to see William once he was a couple months old. The same process was followed with Nicholas and all was found to be fine.
As you can imagine going through it the first time with Nicholas, both Fred and I attended the appointments and I'm sure I had lost sleep prior to the appointment just with the thought of a possible problem. This time around, the appointment seemed to sneak up on us and I was more concerned with confirming someone to watch Nicholas during the appointment (thank you Sue!).
After wrangling my octopus of a child through the EKG and a very long echo with a rather cranky technician (who should not be working with pediatrics in my opinion)...a small bomb was dropped on this unexpected Mama. William has a small ASD (atrial septal defect). This is the same condition that was repaired in me with open heart surgery and coincidentally found in both my father and grandfather. The cardiologist calmly informed me he'd like to review the case with the other practitioners before deciding on a plan of action. With such unexpected news following a long 3 hours of being there... with a very over-tired baby... and being without my more level-headed other half at the appointment, the only question I could muster up to the brilliant doctor was, "so you will call me and let me know what the final plan is?"
Fortunately, William is developing wonderfully and is such a joy to have in our family.
And so...
we wait for my phone call...


Beth said...

Not liking the wait either! Stay strong Momma!

Amy said...

Stay strong and by all means call THEM when you feel like enough time has passed!

Marian said...

Agreeing with Amy, call them if you don't hear back soon. {{{HUGS}}}