Tuesday, February 17, 2009

So, this is what Mommy's boys do...

Mommy was heading out to meet a friend last night when she heard a ruckus coming from the stairs. Sure enough, Daddy and Nicholas were playing their "kick Daddy down the stairs game." So, I guess there is a reason behind Nicholas asking to "kick Mommy!"

The boys then headed to their favorite spot together - Wild Buffalo Wings.

Nicholas' main attraction there likely has something to do with the big screen tv's everywhere...

and the french fries!

Gotta love boys nite!
It was definitely a nice way for Nicholas to spend time with Daddy before he headed out of town. We miss you, Daddy!


FastFreddy said...

Daddy missed Mommy and Nicholas too!!

FastFreddy said...

Oh, and I'm just preparing him, so when we are old and feeble, he can off us and get the inheritance.....it's best that way for all of us.

Just Kidding. =)