Saturday, May 22, 2010

Happy Birthday, Baby William

Saturday May 22, 2010

It was a gorgeous, bright sunny day to celebrate William's big day. Although this day was particularly special to all of us, he just took it in stride and enjoyed himself, as only we could have asked for. Physically, William had a good day. The night previously he woke at 2:40am, 4:30am and 6:10am (then up for the day) experiencing his severe gagging/vomiting episodes (in addition to needing to be re-rocked back to sleep 45 minutes after he was put down in the evening). We are still awaiting a night where he sleeps through uninterrupted - fingers crossed.

After wracking my brain as to what he would enjoy most for the day, it dawned on me as I was washing his hands following an infamous splash party in Nicholas' full potty (of course, his top choice is always Zoey's water bowl). We made our own water fun day, enjoying our morning as a family and with a visit from Grammy and Poppie. Nicholas was so excited for the day and enjoyed the little 3-foot kiddie pool just as much as William.

William is such a good waver.

Our little 'ub bub.'

We all hung on to William's belly laughs when Nicholas was blowing party blowers.

These two truly have a special bond. William just lights up whenever Nicholas is around. Like I said when we were stuck in the hospital in NYC - if anything/anyone was going to make William feel better, it would be big brother Nicholas.

Nicholas helped William open his presents, instructing him, "start at the edges and pull..."

My two boys.

After attempting naps, we enjoyed dinner at Aunt Beth's house with Johnny, Grandpa John and Esperanza. Nicholas chatted my ear off the entire way home from Tully. William just watched in pure admiration and babbled on and on as if trying to get a word in. As quiet of a day it was, it was a very nice way to celebrate all we are thankful for ~ love, family and togetherness.

1 comment:

Lexi said...

I am so glad you had such a wonderful family time!!! Thank you for posting this! It truly warms my heart to see and hear these things... and the bond between your two beautiful boys is amazing. I love you all so much!!! XOXOXOX - Lexi