Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Giant Sunflower Maze

This morning, the boys and I headed off to discover the sunflower maze that we've heard so much about.  It sure lived up to our expectations and was a perfect morning adventure!
All the way there, Nicholas was insistent the sunflowers would not be taller than him.  He was rather surprised to realize just how big they were...even taller than Mommy!

My little park ranger was concerned a sunflower was missing some petals.  He just notices everything.

Boy on a mission!
This maze reminded Nicholas of an episode of Curious George where George is in the Great Maze Race.  On the show, each set of contestants used their own strategy, some just running through as fast as they could, others with a map and one group with a GPS device (not like I watch the show - haha).  Nicholas pretended to use each form of guidance.  We came across a couple of chairs just as Nicholas' pretend GPS device ran out of battery power.  He tried to fix it, but to no avail.

Finally, back on track, this time with a 'map.'
As I was taking pictures, Nicholas said to me, "I'm just going to keep myself busy over here digging in the dirt to check on the sunflower plants roots."  10 minutes later, with 2 very dirty hands, we were all able to move on.

William was with us too, of course.  He stayed content in the backpack carrier, grabbing at any sunflowers he could possibly reach.  He was still on his hydration IV, (which was dangling from the backpack carrier attached to me) so it was nice to limit our possibility of another huge tangle of tubing that always seems to happen when we are in and out of the backpack.  Thanks buddy for cooperating!

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