Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter Morning

Happy Easter!

We started off the morning with....

you guessed it - a frosting cookie, at my little man's request!

We tried to get Nicholas to go searching for his basket, but he had already noticed some hidden eggs during breakfast, so he insisted on going after them.

counting his loot

Eventually, he found the bunny puppet who gave him his clue as to where his basket was...

"near the big stereo!"

He knew exactly where that was!

Nicholas was really excited to see his Little People Garage waiting with his basket. The Easter Bunny knows just what would make this boy happy - he's been really interested in building roads and playing cars lately. The only problem - it took Daddy forever to assemble!

Nicholas kept an eye on Daddy's progress while enjoying the jelly beans from his eggs....

...and found a few more hidden treasures!

Finally done - let the fun begin!

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