Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas with Mema's family

Tonight we celebrated Christmas with Mema, Grandpa Tim, Melissa, Uncle Stephen, Aunt Michele and Chelsea. I woke from my slumber just in time for dinner!
Then I gave Mema a tour of the house.
I showed her all my favorite spots - like Zoey's crate... secret hiding spot for my slinky from Santa...
...then it was finally time for presents!
After seeing how much I loved the shopping cart at the PLAY Museum, Mema gave me this really cool cart of my own. I made sure Daddy was assembling it properly.
Then noticed the swinging side....just perfect for me to crawl through!
Isn't there a game show for speedy shoppers - sign me up!
My gift was pretty great, but I have to say I would have been just as happy with the box from the cart and the coffee Mema gave Daddy. Do you see my latest fascination - crawling through very small spaces! (Don't expect Mommy to be able to get a cute picture of me doing this - I'm way too fast for her trigger finger!)
Aunt Michele, Uncle Stephen and Chelsea gave me this adorable Curious George who rides a tricycle and sings. Daddy was a huge "Torge" fan when he was a little boy - I'm starting to see what's so exciting about him!
Mema and Grandpa Tim gave Mommy this beautiful blanket for us to cuddle up with - but for now, it's the perfect spot for me to let George ride around on.

Thanks for coming everyone and for a wonderful afternoon!

1 comment:

Brandi Ronneburger said...

Wow-more presents! Christmas is never ending at your house. I think I may need a trip over there to check out all those new toys. I'm really interested in this George character. Mommy has read my the book about him and all his crazy antics!